David Blaine is an American illusionist, endurance artist, and an extreme performer. He has performed intimately for every sitting American president including Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, as well as a number of international leaders and prominent figures such as Henry Kissinger, Michael Bloomberg, Stephen Hawking, Muhammad Ali, among others. Howard Stern calls him “the greatest magician who ever lived.” While we are on the subject of magic. Let’s have a look at the videos of David Blaine that will blow your mind. Our top picks.

I Spent 7 Days Underwater
The Man Who Taught Me to Catch a Bullet For Real
Ascend with David Blaine (In 360)
Card Tricks with Jeff Bezos
David Blaine Ascension
Drowned Alive
Bending Bars at a Prison
I Look Like a Shrimp Between LeBron James, Anthony Davis, & JaVale McGee