In a world where the pace of life often leaves little room for introspection, the quest for spiritual understanding and inner peace is more vital than ever. Bhavesh Bhimanathani, a renowned spiritual guide, began his spirituality journey at an early age, driven by a profound curiosity about the unseen forces shaping our existence. Today, as a dedicated practitioner and teacher, Bhavesh draws from his deep knowledge of sacred texts and yogic techniques to inspire and guide others on their spiritual paths.

Bhavesh Bimanathani’s work is deeply rooted in Vedanta philosophy, which underscores his belief in being an instrument of the divine, particularly Shiv and Shakti. Through his efforts with Adiveda and the Sadhana Movement, Bhavesh aims to make spiritual wisdom accessible to all, emphasising the transformative power of meditation and selfless participation in life. This World Meditation Day, we speak to Bhavesh Bhimanathani to enhance our understanding of inner self and spirituality. Join us to see sprituality from a refined lens.
SN: What are the early experiences that sparked your interest in spirituality and what were you most curious about as a kid?
Bhavesh: During my school days, I was least bothered by studying but I always wanted to know that there is something which is operating and which is not normal and which we don’t realise. Also, the bhakti towards Shiv and Shakti was there from childhood. In fact, from many previous births, I believe, I’m sure.
By the grace of Shiv, Shakti, it all started unfolding with time.
SN: How did you begin your study of the sacred texts and what were some of the challenges you faced as a young seeker?
Bhavesh: I’m always going to be a seeker because if I say I’ve mastered something or any text, it is, it will be my ego. When people were interested in decoding geometry, chemistry, and algebra, I always wanted to know the science of life.
When I started hearing and understanding sacred texts, it made me very satisfied. Even now, I take some very complex text and start decoding it because it gives me some joy. All the credit and all the knowledge, whatever I have is all the blessings of the Rishis and my Ishta Devtas. Everything belongs to them.
At the moment, I’m decoding Brahma Sutras, Tantra, Valmiki Ramayan and the war of Mahabharata. Every sutra, every shloka that you take has a beautiful esoteric meaning and that impacts my life directly.
SN: How does Vedanta philosophy influence your daily life and spiritual practices?
Bhavesh: Vedanta philosophy is at the crux of the path of evolution. In the first three chapters of Bhagavad Gita, the union of Shiva and Shakti, Shiva’s understanding of what life is all stems from Vedanta and in practical life Vedanta is the key because whenever I’m stuck in a situation or whenever nature is testing me, the thought that I’m not this body, not this mind, not this intellect is that saving grace.
If you do not understand Vedanta and you’re doing any practices, you will be entangled. Only with the knowledge of Vedanta do you realise that you are that widescreen, the rest of the projection is just Maya.
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SN: Adiveda has become the centre of spiritual learning. What inspired you and Parveen to find Adiveda, and what is its core mission?
Bhavesh: Adiveda, though it was founded by us, but we are not doing anything. We are just instruments because whatever we are doing in Adi Veda is all given by the Rishis and Gurus. We started Adiveda with the aim of giving this knowledge and the practical sadhana to other because it has changed us.
For the future of Adiveda, I have no clue where. We will be led by the divine force and whatever role needs to be played will be played. Spirituality has become so difficult that normal people don’t have access to it. So our goal is to reach out and make it easy for people.
SN: Could you elaborate a little more on the Sadhana Movement?
Bhavesh: The sadhana movement is very close to my heart and something that has changed many. It began when we just started out and was a very small part of Adiveda but it’s turning out to be huge because of Instagram. Seeing its impact, we started running multiple sadhanas, simple sadhanas like Hanuman Chalisa, worshipping the seven deities for seven days or doing some rituals which is benefiting.
For the first time, we are conducting the Sadhna movement in person in Bombay. On the other hand, the sadhana movement is important to grow, evolve, and understand what sadhana is without making it complicated.
SN: Spiritual learning emphasises on participation without expectation. How can people incorporate this philosophy into their daily lives?
Bhavesh: The entire teaching of the Bhagavad Gita is to participate in everything without expecting anything from anyone. This can be only possible when you learn to give your best. So if I’m talking to you now, I’m trying to give my best. I’m not expecting or thinking what you’re going to think, what people are going to think, I don’t care.
The moment I give my best, contentment, satisfaction and peace will follow. The more you apply this, you realise that nature will give you what you deserve and that cosmic energy will take care of all your needs. On the other hand, one should also understand your dharma and karma also play a very important role in this.
SN: How can meditation help individuals in their pursuit of spiritual evolution?
Bhavesh: In the beginning, when you start with meditation, nothing is going to happen because we don’t know what meditation is, we don’t know what dhyana is. So, rather than understanding and jumping into meditation, you should start with basic practices like breath control, and then dharana. Dharana is where you increase your concentration, focus, and learn to be ekagra.
Now, when meditation comes into your life, you will not leave, or go to the mountains, you will do everything with awareness, and at the same time, internally, you will be unaffected.
SN: Today, meditation is not just a spiritual tool but a way to unlock our body and mind’s full potential. What is the way to achieve this state?
Bhavesh: Very true, meditation is a way of life and it can lift your consciousness to higher states. In fact, through meditation, you can unlock multiple dimensions and experience the true essence of life which is bliss. But in order to get to meditation, I would personally recommend that one follows Ashtanga Yoga, the eight limbs of yoga and that is Yam, Niyam, Asana, Pranayam, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.
However, if you’re a very, very advanced sadhak, I would recommend that you stick to your mantra japa and try to increase the time of meditating, breathing and chanting your mantras.
SN: How do you personally celebrate Meditation Day, and what significance does it hold for you?
Bhavesh: It would be wrong if I say that Meditation Day holds any significance because every day is Meditation Day. It’s only because of our sadhana, we are who we are. But those who are actually starting the path on this day, I would personally recommend do three important things.
Do Tratak every day. The second is to do Pranayam, Anulom Vilom or Nadi Shodhan and the last is to learn to sit with your own self for five minutes. If you maintain this for three to four months, I assure you there’ll be a drastic change. More than that, you will experience happiness, joy and bliss and no one can take that away from you. Hari Om Tat Sat.
Bhavesh Bhimanathani’s insights remind us of the transformative potential of meditation and spiritual practice in our daily lives. As we celebrate Meditation Day and beyond, Bhavesh’s teachings offer a path to greater awareness, contentment, and connection with the divine.