According to the WhatsApp Blog, WhatsApp is now jazzing things up and giving users something to chat about! They’re introducing exciting new chat features that’ll make it easier to understand and connect with your chat buddies. These features are so cool, they might even change the way users message each other. So, get ready to be more engaged and have fun while chatting!

New Updates to WhatsApp Polls
WhatsApp is introducing three new updates for polls to help groups gather information and make decisions together.
Create Single-Vote Polls: Whatsapp has introduced the option for poll creators to permit people to vote just once in cases where users need a clear answer. Users can turn off the allow multiple answers option when creating a poll.

Search for Polls in Your Chats: It’s not always possible to respond to a poll right away, and it can be challenging to search for a poll in the discussion at a later time. You may now filter messages by-polls in the same way as you can for images, videos, and links. On the Chats screen, press Search and then Polls to find a list of all results.
Stay Updated on Poll Results: To make it simple for users to stay up to current on results, users will now receive notifications when people vote on their polls and will be notified how many people have voted overall.

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Forwarding With Captions
One of the simplest ways to update your friends and family on your life is to share photos on WhatsApp. Thanks to the app’s support for media forwarding, users can instantly re-share photos from one set of connections to another.
Users may now choose whether to keep, delete, or totally rewrite the caption when a user forwards media with a caption while exchanging photographs across chats. So now, when a user will forward pictures and videos, users can also add captions to them.

Sharing Documents with Captions
The documents shared by users sometimes might need a little explanation, when sharing photographs or videos. Users now have the choice to add a caption before sharing, whether they are emailing a newspaper item or a professional document.

WhatsApp says that all of these new elements are being rolled out to users globally from today, and will be available to everyone ‘in the coming weeks’.