Trickshots, sports, comedy and world records. You combine all of these and you get Dude Perfect. The story of Dude Perfect is out there for the world to watch. But to put what they do in the simplest words, they’re a bunch of guys who love making insanely crazy videos by getting crafty in their own way.

One of the most loved video series on their channels is “Overtime”. A series that is filled with different segments, cool not cool, get crafty, absurd recurds and the famous wheel unfortunate, just to name a few. Each episode is more entertaining than the first and it captivates you in its own entertaining world. In fact it even has its own intro music which goes like this:
Tall Guy, Beard, Twins, Purple hoser
Dude Perfect’s in overtime
Tall Guy, Beard, Twins, Purple hoser
Now we’re heading onto overtime.
While we are on the subject of Overtime. We ranked the best episodes of the series which we feel are the best ones for you to watch. Here are our top picks in no particular order.
Can you Crush a Diamond with a Hammer? | OT 1
One really can’t forget the episode that kick started it all. Also the hammer vs diamond battle is strangely entertaining.
World’s Longest LEGO Walk | OT 2
Legos are cool but when stepped upon they hurt! We can only imagine how painfully challenging and long the Lego wall would have been, considering the fact that it is for setting a world record.
World’s Strongest Laser | OT 5
World’s strongest laser is hot but that and the other segments make this episode super cool!
We Broke The Budget | OT 12
Crazy things happen when the budget is no bar and the thumbnail of this video is the visual proof of it. But breaking the budgets has its own consequences and you need to watch this video to know what it is.
Dude Wars | OT 24
While Star Wars has its own legacy, what in the world will we not give to watch the dudes battle things out in a legendary lightsaber duel.