Internet Reacts To The Covishield Vaccine Revelations

Probably nothing shook the world as badly as COVID-19 did. Every person on this Earth was either directly or indirectly…

11 months ago

Twitter Introduces #AsktheDoctor for Medical Consultation

Twitter has partnered with editorji (@editorji) a short video news platform to get all queries about Covid-19 answered by launching…

4 years ago

How You Can Help From Home: Question Answered

While staying at home might be the safest option for now. Many of us must have felt the urge to…

4 years ago

UBER to Provide Free Rides for Vaccination

UBER offers free rides for getting vaccinated.

4 years ago

MAY: The Month of Mental Health Awareness

A look inside mental health awareness month.

4 years ago

MostlySane back on YouTube post Covid Recovery

MostlySane recovers from Covid and makes her YouTube comeback.

4 years ago

World Press Freedom Day

The United Nations(UN) declared May 3, as the ‘World Press Freedom Day’ (or World Press Day) to raise importance about…

4 years ago